The netball court is my happy place!
Posted by emma warner on
Em's Netball Story
For many years I have suffered with anxiety. I have hit some real lows throughout my life. My main struggle was with SAD - (social anxiety disorder) . I would get so nervous about attending events, even nights out with my friends.. overthinking days, hours beforehand ...what if I make a fool of myself!..what if nobody likes me!...I would work myself up into such a nervous state that I would end up cancelling! My inner thoughts were becoming louder than my own voice! It was at this point I realised I had a mental health problem but with the right support, techniques and help from my friends and family I came out the other side!
How I manage my anxiety now is quite simple! My love for sport has always been huge but the way I feel when I play netball is just another level! I get performance anxiety and I'm so nervous before every game but I have learned to channel that anxiety and turn it into energy! (my team call me the Duracell Bunny!lol)
My Amazing Netball Team
I am part of an amazing team of girls who love and support each other through ups and downs! We pick each other up when we feel like we haven't had our best game. We motivate each other and no matter what personal challenges we all have going on the netball court is our happy place!!! It was in fact our very first design that we launched on this site and we have been blown away by how many of our customers love it. It is by far our best seller so we now know that the netball court is also so many other peoples happy place too!